Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well it seems as though I might be coaching a softball team here. I am very excited. My brother, sister and I grew up immersed in sports and we all did okay. The three of played softball/baseball and are still quite involved in it as well as a variety of other sports. Coaching seems to be a Godsend at the time though as I am sick and tired of working from home and to have the excuse to get out and "play" is excellent. It also gets me involved with the school close to my house which I wouldn't mind teaching at some day in the future.

The team is said to be the bad news bears and doesn't have much experience or hope. But I don't mind we grew up in a small school and know the pressures of play with what you have. The most importat thing to me though is playing. I truely believe that it effected our lives even now as a adults. Sports teach you things such as teamwork, never giving up when you are down, and how to loose. These are traits that I want to instill in children because it will make a difference in how you view life and react to what life gives you. Thanks to my parents who always let us participate in what we were interested in. I thought I had a picture of all three of us in our uniforms getting ready for opening day. I guess I didn't, so my sister will have to be the star of the show. She was always more apt to pose for the camera anyway.

PS For those of you who might have read my sister's post about her daugher and playing softball. It is hard to miss the similarities isn't it.... I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :)


Unknown said...

Hey Sis ~ Glad to see a few more posts!! Thanks for putting such a great (or not so great) photo of me up on your site. I don't even know where you got that from. Ha Ha!! Keep writing!! I love to hear what you are up to, and have a great time coaching!! I bet your ready to get out and interact with some kids!!

Unknown said...

So are you coaching or what? Where's the update?